Booking the Church

Hallfold United Reformed Church

The Community Hall and Church are available to be used for your group, party or event.

Baptism & Thanksgiving Services
We  celebrate these occasions  during our Morning Worship. Please contact the Secretary to make arrangements.

Hallfold is available to be used for your wedding, whether this is the first time you have both been married or if one of you has had a previous marriage dissolved. To comply with the law, one of you will either need to be resident in Rossendale or be a regular worshipper at Hallfold.

We will conduct the wedding in our Chapel and the Garden will be available to gather in and then to take photographs- because the sun always shines in Whitworth!

Our fee for the Chapel, Minister, Organist & Authorised Person will be in line with other  churches.

All enquiries to the Secretary.

The Chapel and/or the Minister can be made available for these occasions. Arrangements should be made via your Funeral Director.